A Mother’s Blessing

Awhile ago, I had the privilege of praying a Mother’s Day blessing over the mothers at our church. The Spirit and I collaborated and created this beautiful prayer together. May this be a blessing to you, mamas! I pray that you will pray this over your family and other families that you encounter! Dear Jesus,…

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“Because You’re Not Quiet”

This was the conversation I had with my 3 year old son this morning: Odis: Mommy, can you please stop singing? Me: Why do I have to stop singing? Odis: Because you’re not quiet!  This is one of many darling conversations I have with my buddy, but this particular one had me pause and ponder…

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Throwing in the Towel

Mothers…grandmothers…anyone who is sharing a space with a toddler child…have you ever had a moment when you just wanted to throw in the towel? The stress of the day, the pile of things to do, and everything seeming to go wrong, and than the one little thing that finally breaks the straw? That one thing…

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This One’s For the Moms

Let me tell you (though all you mothers out there know), being a mama is not a walk in the park. Through all the moments of having to change diapers (while my son is trying to help down there with his ever-curious little hands), picking up miscellaneous cheerio’s and crunchy snacks out of the carpet…

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