The Ongoing Process of Forgiveness

It’s a tricky thing when you believe you have forgiven someone, but then that grudge and contempt creeps back in unknowingly. This is what Jesus tells me: FORGIVENESS IS ONGOING. Sometimes it takes more than going through the forgiveness-process one time. Sometimes, you have to forgive over and over and over and over again until…

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The Ultimate Perfect Provider

I am a numbers nerd. I am goal-oriented. I am someone who tries to find the results and answers to things that make my head spin. It may be just human nature to find the answers, or it could be a mix of that and the tenacity God has blessed me with. Even so, I…

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Kill ‘Em With Kindness

As a stay-at-home mom, I am always wondering what I can do to bring purpose to my day, especially when it comes to loving on God’s people. I have always had that as a part of my personality, but it has been emphasized more recently when suddenly I have a lot more free time on…

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Throwing in the Towel

Mothers…grandmothers…anyone who is sharing a space with a toddler child…have you ever had a moment when you just wanted to throw in the towel? The stress of the day, the pile of things to do, and everything seeming to go wrong, and than the one little thing that finally breaks the straw? That one thing…

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Loving Yourself: Non-Strengths and All

I grew up all my life being the most insecure person that I know. Insecure about my body (this came after marriage and gaining more than I anticipated), insecure about my traits and skills (I am not the most outgoing of-persons and would often fight tooth-and-nail to meet new people or be in the spotlight),…

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